Inspiring communities to protect kea, New Zealand's unique mountain parrot

About Us

The Kea Conservation Trust was set up in 2006 to assist in conservation of wild Kea (Nestor notabilis) in their natural habitat and to increase the husbandry standards and advocacy potential of those Kea held in captive facilities within New Zealand. The Kea Conservation Trust was registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005 (registration number CC29701).
About Us
What We Do
Policy and Position

Our Aims

The Kea Conservation Trust aims to assist in conservation of wild Kea in their natural habitat through:
Establishing positive working relationships with associated conservation groups/individuals
Raising of funds to allow research on Kea issues
Provision of an easily accessible information resource on Kea

The Kea Conservation Trust also aims to increase the husbandry standards and advocacy potential of those Kea held in captive facilities within New Zealand through:
Provision of information on best practice management
Raising of funds to conduct research into advocacy strategies, optimum enclosure design, and how best to maintain the physical/psychological health of captive kea
Provision of a support network for all Kea holders

Our Vision

To ensure an enriched and sustainable future for both wild and captive kea populations for the long-term benefit of all New Zealanders.

Our Mission

To develop and provide a coordinated support system through local and national affiliations for conservation of kea in the wild and their best practice management in captivity.


2009 CMaG/ARAZPA Individual Award
2009 Auckland Zoo Conservation Award
2012 Department of Conservation - West Coast Award
We are a charitable organisation with a strong community focus, which is dedicated to the conservation of kea, one of New Zealands most charismatic flagship species. We achieve these objectives through partnerships with people and communities to research and raise awareness of kea, their habitat and the unique issues impacting on kea and our fragile NZ mountain ecosystems. We also investigate and initiate practical methods of mitigating impacts through promoting community conservation efforts and collaborating with relevant community groups and stakeholders.

This information is disseminated free through our website, Facebook page, email updates to over 500 subscribers and annual reports to members, community talks and presentations, professional conferences and scientific papers, and production of free education material and promotional material (DVDs/books) for schools and community groups.
Incorporated in 2006, the Kea Conservation Trust continues to develop positive relationships with international and local community groups including DOC, scientific and conservation groups, tourism operators, high country farming communities, schools, tertiary facilities, local communities and zoos. Additionally a large pool of enthusiastic volunteers provides at least 3,000 hrs annually of operational, field, education and scientific expertise.

To see what work we do, please visit our Projects page or download videos, audio and education information from our Resources page.

Your Support

We need your support to secure the conservation of Kea for the future. If you wish to become a member or are able to support or sponsor the Trust in its efforts, please fill in the form provided in the Join Now page or the Help Kea page give a one off donation


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