Inspiring communities to protect kea


Help Preserve A National Treasure

We have very few overheads but we still need funds to operate, fund core positions and provide seed funding so we can get new projects off the ground.

You can also always make a payment online directly into our bank account (please add 'Donation' and your name as reference):
Account Name: Kea Conservation Trust
Account Number: 12-3020-0461043-00

Please note that the automatic receipt is a confirmation for your payment only. If you would like a receipt for tax purposes, please email us. Thank you!

Refunds: Please check your donation amount carefully. PayPal and credit card donations carry a fee from the payment provider which we won't be able to refund.

Thank you to our donors

Our donors are directly responsible for helping save our unique New Zealand mountain parrot. With their generous donations we are able to carry out vital work to help better understand kea and the threats impacting on them, as well as to encourage the wider national and international community to get on board and save this most charismatic parrot.
See our donors


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