Inspiring communities to protect kea, New Zealand's unique mountain parrot

Help Our Kea

Kea are New Zealand’s alpine treasures. At the Kea Conservation Trust we work in collaboration with others, to preserve and protect these unique birds, both in their natural habitat and in captivity. To make this vision of a sustainable future for kea a reality however, we need your support!

How you can help

Kea in the mountains

Donate now

No matter how big or small a donation you can make, it all helps us carry out our work. Your donation is literally a life saver!
Donate Now

Sponsor Project

Are you interested in sponsoring a project which could help kea? If so we would love to hear from you! 
Be a Sponsor


Volunteers are vital to the Kea Conservation Trust. Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds, skill bases and for varying amounts of time.
Kea on car

Kea conflict

If you have kea that are damaging your property or causing you issues, please let us know so we can help you.
Let Us Know

Kea Proofing

Search our Kea proofing ideas to find a solution to your kea problem. You can also submit your own solution.
Proofing ideas
Kea landing on seat in Mountains

Kea Sightings

Reporting where you have seen a kea helps us find out what kea get up to and where they go. Also, tell all your friends to do the same!
Let Us Know
Kea sitting on a car wing mirror

Payroll Giving

Have you thought about Payroll giving – a little each week can help a lot.
Get In Touch
Kea peeping over a roof


Leave a legacy - talk to us about setting up a bequest.
Get In Touch

Don't Feed Kea

Spread the word about why feeding kea is bad for them.
Learn More

Help Sick & Injured Kea

If you find a sick or injured kea, please get in touch with us immediately. For a full outline of how to assess them, how to transport them safely and who to contact, please download our Injured Kea Response Protocol.
Download The Manual

Safe ground-based pest control in kea habitat

Kea are ground nesters. As such they are vulnerable to predation by introduced predators, particularly stoats and possums, during their breeding period. Kea are also ground feeders, and adults of both sexes may be ambushed by stoats and feral cats while foraging.

While pest control is effective at reducing introduced predators which predate on our threatened wildlife, the benefit of using pest control may be offset when unsafe pest control devices are deployed, resulting in the unintentional by-kill or injury of kea.

The purpose of the Safe Pest Control in Kea Habitat document is to reduce injury or death of kea by identifying which ground-based pest control devices are and are not safe for use within kea habitat and to provide safety recommendations for their use.

Please note this is a live document which is regularly updated as new information is received. If you find any evidence of kea interfering with any traps or ground-based baits (including finding dead or injured kea on your trapping lines), please contact us immediately with details and photos so that we can update the manual.

Communities Helping Kea

We have groups, individuals and communities that are supporting our local kea through great local business initiatives and in-kind support. Without their commitment and generous donations of time, expertise, support and use of technical equipment we wouldn't be able to carry out the breadth of work that we do.
Thank you!
Unitech Institute of Technology logo

Unitec Institute of Technology

For ongoing provision of staff, resources and facilities.
Department of Conservation logo

Department of Conservation

For on-going use of vehicles, field equipment, accomodation and staff expertise.

thanking all our supporters

The Kea Conservation Trust would like to acknowledge the commitment of our sponsors, members, supporters and volunteers to the cause of conservation and best practice captive management of Kea in New Zealand. As a registered charitable trust, we rely on your support, to ensure kea are protected for the future.


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