Funded by the Withiel Charitable Trust
A large proportion of our work is field-based, in the harsh South Island landscape which kea call home. To be able to do this work safely and effectively, a specific set of bird handling and monitoring skills must be learned, certification achieved and mountain safety knowledge acquired. These skills are taught within our core field projects and at workshops run by our certified L3 kea banders.
Becoming a fully-fledged and certified kea field ranger, therefore, involves a significant commitment of time (years), on behalf of both the trainee and the trainer, and significant operational cost to the Kea Conservation Trust.

Support our Kea Field Ranger Training Programme
To ensure we can continue to train up new personnel each year, we urgently require supplementary funds to support two – four part-time Level 2 trainee field positions and two Field Training Officers (L3) annually, to supplement project costs as follows:
- Trainee/L2 banders- $11,520 – $14,400/annum*
- L3 Kea bander – $17,280/annum*
In addition to this, each position requires supplementary support of expenses (mileage) $2,750/annum
* based on 1 day/week/annum
If you can sponsor any of the above positions, in part or in full, please contact us. Thank you!