Inspiring communities to protect kea, New Zealand's unique mountain parrot

Sponsor A Project

would you like to help out with any of our projects?

There are a number of key kea conservation projects which need ongoing funding to support each year. These include our research projects (summer surveys and nest monitoring to ascertain population status, productivity and survivorship as well as understanding threats such as lead poisoning and predation), our threat mitigation work (including targeted predator control to protect active nests, lead removal, conflict transformation and working with communities to understand local threats) and our community advocacy and education projects (development of education programmes and resources for schools, communities and key hotspots around the South Island).

If you would like to help out with any of these projects, or would simply like to give a little to support our daily operations, ongoing ranger training programme or to support the purchase of new equipment (such as transmitters, lead test strips, traps for predators or nest cameras), please contact us directly to discuss, or fill in the form.

Thank you!
See some of our projects

Tell us how you can help

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